Air Dried Sausage
- The Salami Making ProcessA tutorial explaining the salami making process.
- Calculating Maximum Fermenting TimesA post and calculator for salami fermenting times.
- Easy Salami – Snack SticksA salami snack stick that can be made even in a domestic fridge.
- ChorizoA chorizo sausage in the style sold by a major supermarket.
Cooked Sausage
- Irish White PuddingA recipe for one of the many types of Irish white Pudding.
- Smoked Polish Style SausageA smoked Polish style sausage – great with cherry smoke.
- Mortadella with PistachiosAn Italian style lunch meat with optional pistachio nuts.
- Hot DogsPork and beef hot dogs.
- Hot-Dog TutorialA guide to making hot-dog and frankfurter type sausages. It’s also the method for many luncheon meats.
Smoked Sausage
- Smoked Polish Style SausageA smoked Polish style sausage – great with cherry smoke.
- Hot DogsPork and beef hot dogs.
- Hot-Dog TutorialA guide to making hot-dog and frankfurter type sausages. It’s also the method for many luncheon meats.
Fresh Sausage
- The ‘Everyday’ Pork SausageA peppery sausage with tender sheep’s casings.
- The Thurlaston SausageA good basic pork sausage with well balanced flavours.
Sausage Calculator
- ChorizoA chorizo sausage in the style sold by a major supermarket.
- Far-Famed Cambridge SausageThe best selling pork sausage before WW2.
- The Not Lincolnshire SausageClassic Lincolnshire sausage with the taste of sage.
- The ‘Everyday’ Pork SausageA peppery sausage with tender sheep’s casings.
- The Thurlaston SausageA good basic pork sausage with well balanced flavours.